Meet the most badass women of 2016

Let's face it, there have been some pretty disheartening moments for women this year. Just this month, we saw the day that marks us effectively working for free for the rest of the year (thanks to the gender pay gap), Michelle Obama was ACTUALLY called "an ape in heels", and a woman was reportedly arrested for reporting rape in Dubai. Oh, and Donald Trump is president.
But while these things SHOULD spark a furious fire in our bellies, we must remember that behind every sexist remark, legislation or headline (newsflash: Hilary Clinton doesn't have  to wear make-up to give a speech) is a fierce, brilliant woman making the world a better place.
And now more than ever, we need to not only applaud them, but shout very f*cking loudly from the rooftops about them.
That's why today marks the return of the BBC's 100 Women season, which features their chosen list of inspirational women for 2016. In its fourth year, the list features female trailblazers from all corners of the world, including athletes, politicians, authors, activists, designers, space scientists, nurses and even students.
Names you may recognise include R&B superstar/all-round #boss Alicia KeysGBBO  2015 winner Nadiya Hussain and Heloise Letissier (known as 'Christine and the Queens').
More women to take note of are Evelyn Miralles, who leads a NASA team developing the VR programme for the Mars Mission; Ellinah Ntombi Wamukoya, the first female bishop of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa; Nay el-Rahi, co-founder of, a website which tracks street harassment in Lebanon; and Saalumarada Thimmakka, a 105-year-old environmentalist in India who has planted more than 8,000 trees in 80 years.
Those under 30 include Becci Wain, a 22-year-old heathcare assistant who used to self harm and is working to regain her self-confidence; Churan Zheng, a Chinese feminist campaigner who is just 27; and Iskra Lawrence, 26, a plus size model who stars in unretouched photo campaigns and gives talks about body positivism.
Read their stories, absorb their passion and stick their pictures to your bedroom walls. Because women like this remind us that, even in a year when all this depressing stuff has happened, we can achieve anything, and together we make one badass team.
You can view the BBC's full list here.


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